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社会主义精神文明是社会主义社会的重要特征,是现代化建设的重要目标和保证。而社会主义企业精神文明的建设是社会主义精神文明建设的重要体现和组成部分,因此,加强企业社会主义精神文明建设具有着重要的现实意义。 一、企业社会主义精神文明建设的目的 企业社会主义精神文明建设的目的有二。一是直接目的,一是根本目的。前者是指企业精神文明建设要充分激发员工的劳动积极性和创造精神,形成强大的凝聚力,为企业的发展创造一个健康、有序和平等的竞争氛围。在社会主义市场经济条件下,企业的生存与发展,企业之间的竞争,归根到底是企业人才和员工素质的竞争,是企业管理水平和科技水平的竞争,因此要办好企业,就必须实施“以人为本”的经营之道,增强企业员工竞争意识、效率意识、管理意识、效益意识、信誉意识等等,提高员工的科学文化水平和思想道德水平,培 Socialist spiritual civilization is an important feature of socialist society and an important goal and guarantee of its modernization. The construction of socialist enterprise’s spiritual civilization is an important manifestation and part of the construction of socialist spiritual civilization. Therefore, it is of great realistic significance to strengthen the construction of socialist spiritual civilization. First, the purpose of building a socialist spiritual civilization The purpose of building a socialist spiritual civilization is twofold. First, the direct purpose, one is the fundamental purpose. The former means that the construction of enterprise’s spiritual civilization should fully stimulate staff’s enthusiasm for work and creativity, form a strong cohesion and create a healthy, orderly and equal competitive atmosphere for the development of the enterprise. Under the conditions of a socialist market economy, the survival and development of enterprises and the competition among enterprises are ultimately the competition between the quality of qualified personnel and the quality of employees. They are the competition between the management level of enterprises and the level of science and technology. Therefore, if enterprises are to be run well, they must be implemented “People-oriented” business approach to enhance staff awareness of competition, efficiency awareness, management awareness, awareness of effectiveness, the credibility of awareness, etc., to improve staff’s scientific and cultural level and ideological and moral level, training
应用间接荧光抗体技术用不同流行性出血热(EHF)疫区的三种鼠肺抗原对安徽EHF患者血清抗体进行检验,其结果如下: 1、用江西省EHF疫区的黑线姬鼠鼠肺抗原检查了25例安徽EHF病人
为了应对我国加入WTO后的新挑战 ,抓住全球经济一体化和产业信息化的新机遇 ,拓展我国电子行业和信息产业跻身世界大市场的竞争空间 ,全面落实中央关于我国西部大开发的战略部署