In nature, only some form of optical isomers usually have biological activity or only some optical isomers have physiological effects. Such as peptide synthesis, synthesis of drugs and asymmetric synthesis of compounds require an effective separation of enantiomers. Because spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and other methods have no characteristic in the resolution of enantiomers, and the resolving power of the optical rotation method is very low, the chromatographic methods, especially the separation method of the optically active stationary phase, show the superiority. In 1966, Gil-Av et al first developed the optically active stationary phase of amino acid derivatives and then developed a number of optically active stationary phases such as dipeptides, diamines and ureides. At present, the enantiomers of amino acids, amines, amino alcohols, carbohydrates and the like have been successfully separated by gas chromatography. Among them, the silicone-based Chirasil-val stationary phase proposed by Bayer et al. High, the selectivity is better, has become a commonly used optically active phase.