人们读了《孔雀东南飞》,嗟叹之余,不禁要问:焦母为什么要驱遣兰芝? 这个问题,不少大方之家已经探讨过,也得出了不少有理有据的结论,但大多是从当时的社会环境去推究。而文学是人学,它的表现对象首先是人。如果紧扣原文,着眼于具体人物形象的思想、性格、心理,从心理学的角度分析焦母驱遣兰芝的原因,也许不失为一个可能抵达本质的新角度。焦母驱遣兰芝的理由是:“此妇无礼节,
People read “The Peacock Flying to the Southeast,” and when they sigh, they can’t help but ask: Why did Jiaozuo drive Lange? This question has been explored by many generous families, and many valid conclusions have been drawn, but most of them have come to fruition. It was from the social environment at that time that we investigated. While literature is human science, its performance is primarily people. If the original text is closely linked to the ideology, character, and psychology of a specific character, it may be a new perspective that may be arrived at by nature from the perspective of psychology to analyze the reason that Jiaomu drove Lange. The reason Jiaomu drove Lange: ”This woman is not courteous,