单兵自卫武器(Personal DefenceWeapon,以下简称PDW),是近二十多年来在主要军事强国轻武器界中流行起来的一个轻武器新概念。单兵自卫武器这一概念,最早是在1986年美国战备协会举办的年会上提出的。此后,美国本宁堡步兵学校在《美国轻武器总规划》中正式提出开发PDW的设想,其目的是取代现装备的手枪、冲锋枪和短突击步枪。根据该规划的要求,PDW的装备对
The Personal DefenseWeapon (hereinafter referred to as PDW) is a new concept of light weapons that has prevailed in the small arms industry in major military Powers for nearly two decades. The concept of a man-to-man self-defense weapon was first proposed at the annual meeting held by the United States Warfighting Association in 1986. Since then, the Fort Benin Infantry School in the United States formally proposed in the “U.S. Light Weapons Master Plan” the idea of developing a PDW that aims to replace the existing pistols, submachine guns and short assault rifles. According to the plan’s requirements, the PDW is equipped