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目的了解椴木赤灵芝的主要产地武夷山地区灵芝子实体中塑化剂的污染水平,并分析在生产过程中主要原料向子实体中的迁移情况。方法依据国家食品污染监测标准操作程序,对武夷山地区的3个赤灵芝种植基地内采集的鲜品、干品灵芝子实体进行包括邻苯二甲酸二(2一乙基己基)酯(DEHP)、邻苯二甲酸二丁基酯(DBP)等16种塑化剂单体的检测分析。对3个基地内的赤灵生长基质中的主要塑化剂富集物水、椴木和辅助材料进行塑化剂单体监测,对灵芝子实体中塑化剂的迁移及来源进行检测结果分析。结果灵芝子实体中,我国规定的DEHP、DBP均检出,DEHP为1.5 mg/kg左右,有1个基地超标,DBP的浓度为0.35 mg/kg~0.58 mg/kg,为超标项目。从生产环境和生产基质来看,DEHP某种程度表现为水体污染。结论赤灵芝种植过程中可能存在塑化剂迁移污染,引水时常用的2种塑料管道,是2种塑化剂单体DCHP和DEHP的可能来源。 Objective To understand the levels of plasticizers in Ganoderma lucidum fruiting bodies in the main producing area of ​​Linden chinensis Ganoderma lucidum and to analyze the migration of the main raw materials into the fruiting bodies in the production process. Methods The fresh and dried Ganoderma lucidum fruiting bodies collected from three Ganoderma lucidum planting bases in Wuyishan area were subjected to two-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) Dibutyl Phthalate (DBP) and other 16 kinds of plasticizer monomer detection analysis. The main plasticizer-enriched water, basswood and auxiliary materials in the base of Red Ginseng in the three bases were monitored for monomer of plasticizer. The results of the test of the migration and origin of plasticizer in Ganoderma lucidum fruiting bodies . Results Among the ganoderma lucidum fruiting bodies, DEHP and DBP were all detected in our country. The DEHP was about 1.5 mg / kg, and one of them exceeded the standard. The concentration of DBP was 0.35 mg / kg ~ 0.58 mg / kg. In terms of production environment and production matrix, DEHP shows some degree of water pollution. Conclusion There may be migration and migration of plasticizer in the process of planting Ganoderma lucidum. Two types of plastic pipes commonly used in water diversion are the possible sources of DCHP and DEHP for two plasticizers.
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