福建省哲学社会科学十五规划课题“日本的台湾文学研究”力求在中日文化视野中把握文学现象 ,致力于宏观与微观研究相结合的美学分析 ,呈现日本学术界上个世纪五十年代以来台湾文学研究的一些重要特征及其理论内涵。由此课题又可以衍生出若干与之相关、交叉 ,甚至平行的课题。此课题意旨在于为祖国统一大业和中日友好作出填补空白的理论贡献 ,亦期能为台湾文学研究提供一个崭新的思维向度 ,成为该学科建设方面的一个借镜与刺激。
The 10th Five-Year Plan of Philosophy and Social Sciences in Fujian Province “The Study of Taiwanese Literature in Japan” seeks to grasp the literary phenomenon in the cultural perspective of China and Japan and devotes itself to the aesthetic analysis of the combination of macroscopic and microcosmic research. It presents the great achievements of Japanese academia since the 1950s Some Important Features and Theoretical Connotation of Taiwan Literature Studies. From this issue can be derived from a number of related, cross, or even parallel topics. The purpose of this issue is to make theoretical contributions to filling the gap for the great cause of reunifying the motherland and the friendship between China and Japan. It can also provide a brand new direction for the study of Taiwan literature and serve as an inspiration and stimulus for the construction of this discipline.