一、《荆楚岁时记》中“迎紫姑”习俗及其溯源 南朝[梁]宗懔《荆楚岁时记》是一部载述古代楚地岁时节令、风土习俗较为完整的笔记体散文,也是我国岁时民俗方面出现最早,影响最大的著名典籍。陈振孙“直斋书录解题》引用宗懔该书自序云:“以率为小记,以录荆楚岁时的风物故事,自元日至除日,凡二十余事。”就是说,从正月初一(“元日” )到腊月年底(“除日”,除夕),凡记荆楚岁时节令日程为25项(即“二十余事”),岁时节令民俗事象则为35项。在这些众多的、奇特的岁时节令民俗事象中,其中有些属于颇具社会价值和地方风采的珍贵资料,比如正月十五的“迎紫姑”,五月五日的“竞渡”,仲冬之月咸菹菁葵,十二月八日“逐疫”,等等,都是。
First, “Jing Chronology” in the “Welcome Purple Gui” customs and trace of the Southern Dynasties [Liang] Zong Qi “Jing Chu Sui Chronicles” is an ancient Chu age-old seasonal, customs more complete notes Body prose, is also the earliest and most influential famous classics in China’s age folklore. Chen Zhen Sun, “Straight Zhai recorded problem-solving” quoted Zong Zong as the book said: “The rate of a small note, to record Jing old story, since the first day to all but, more than twenty things. ”That is, from the first lunar month (“ YuanDay ”) to the end of the twelfth lunar month (“ except for the day ”and New Year’s Eve), all the annals of Jingchu’s age-old schedule are 25 (ie,“ more than 20 ”), Folklore is 35. Among these numerous and peculiar years of the world, some of them are precious materials of social value and local style, such as “Welcome to the Purple Ghost” in the 15th lunar month, May 5 “Race”, the midwinter of the month salty mulberry sunflower, December 8 “by the epidemic,” etc., are.