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磨料磨具系列型谱是根据一机部二局(62)局第1028号文的指示和64年9月的坐谈会精神而研究编制的,编制系列型谱的目的是力求以适量的品种、规格满足国民经济的最大需要。其作用有(1)可作为磨料磨具行业技术和品种发展的兰图;(2)可作为磨床设计时的参考性资料;(3)可作为行业技术工作的基础性资料。 Abrasives series profile is based on the first two Bureau (62) Bureau of the 1028th article of instructions and 64 years of symposium in September 64 to study the preparation of series type spectrum is to seek the right amount of species , Specifications to meet the needs of the national economy. Its role (1) can be used as a abrasive abrasive industry technology and variety of blue map; (2) can be used as a grinder reference information design; (3) can be used as the basis for industry technical work.
TEL,established in1963,is a leading supplier ofinnovative sem iconductor and FPD production equipm entworldwide.In Japan,TEL also distributes com puter network
Jespersen 认为,“相对于其他多语言而语,英语中冠词的使用较为节省”(Jes-persen1933:163)。在他的 Essentials ofEnglish Grammar 一书中,作者用了几页的篇幅列举不用定冠
Marine beds, containing numerous well preserved shells, are actuallyexposed in a broad pit recently open, one mile south from the Hoangho-PaihoMuseum (Race Cou
The first round of the China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) concluded in Washington, D.C. on July 28, ending the first phase of one of the latest a
The work of the French Geological Mission in China;- During August the French Geological Mission worked in the Quarternary depositswhich were explored by Pere