This paper, starting from the perspective of internal governance and executive incentive, discusses how to effectively combine the relative performance evaluation methods with the executive political incentives and salary incentives to govern corporate environmental pollution. This study systematically collected data on environmental pollution behaviors of listed companies in China’s heavily polluting industries from 2004 to 2012. Based on the integration theory and empirical study, it was found that social performance-based evaluation methods can reduce the incentive for senior executives to take environmental pollution behaviors. Companies with high relative social performance do not tend to pollute the environment, especially those executives who also have political connections. However, the historical performance-based evaluation method is to encourage executives to take corporate environmental pollution behavior: on the one hand, companies with high historical relative performance tend to pollute the environment, but giving high fixed fixed remuneration to executives can weaken the high historical relative On the other hand, the combination of low relative historical performance and the high fixed salary of senior executives will prompt senior executives to take corporate environmental pollution behaviors. The results show that strengthening the performance evaluation based on social relative performance and encouraging senior executives to give high fixed salary based on senior political motivation and high historical relative performance can play the role of motivating senior executives to regulate corporate environmental pollution.