
来源 :法制与社会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hisandy
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拘留所是依据中国现行的法律、法规、条例和相关规定而设置的羁押场所,由公安部门统一负责管理,是公安部门的重要监管机构。我国拘留所羁押对象为被公安机关、国家安全机关依法给予拘留行政处罚的人及被人民法院依法决定拘留的人,其中又以行政拘留为主。小型拘留所在规范执法过程中,遭遇比大型、中型拘留所更为难以克服的困难,警力配备不足、执法观念落后等问题共同阻碍了小型拘留所工作任务的进行与完成。拘留作为严厉制裁的一种,既有惩罚性,同时也具备教育性;拘留所作为特定的羁押场所,接收人员数量繁多,性质复杂,流动速度快,琐碎事情多,较之监狱情况更为特殊,需引起更大重视。 The detention center is a place of detention set up in accordance with the laws, regulations, rules and regulations in force in China and under the relevant provisions. It is administered by the public security department in a unified manner and is an important regulatory agency of the public security department. The people held in detention centers in our country are those who have been punished by the public security organs or the state security organs for detention for administrative detention in accordance with the law, and those detained by the people’s courts according to law, of which administrative detention is the main issue. Small detention centers, which have encountered more difficult than the large and medium-sized detention centers to regulate during their enforcement of law enforcement, lack of adequate police force and backward law enforcement concepts, have hindered the progress of the task of small detention facilities. Detention, as a form of harsh sanctions, is both punitive and educational at the same time. Detention centers, as a specific place of detention, have a large number of receivers, complicated nature, fast movements, trivial matters and more special conditions than those in prisons , Need to pay more attention.