这次,我们谈两个养猫家庭都需要注意的问题。猫的隧道玩具究竟需不需要?为什么我们总说养猫需要有N+1个猫厕所?因为它们都是对于建立猫咪的自信心,增加安全感非常有必要的环节。USEA CAT TUNNEL TOGIVEBACK CONFIDENCE TO YOUR CAT用猫隧道帮猫找回信心作为猫咪的监护人,你的目标是创造一个你的猫完全自信的领地信心对猫意味着它能够毫无畏惧地勘察自己的领地、狩猎、舔毛和休息。
This time, we talk about the problems that two domestic cat families need to pay attention to. Why do we need a tunnel cat toy for cats? Why do we always say that cats need N + 1 cats and lavatories? Because they are all necessary for establishing the self-confidence of cats and increasing the sense of security. USEA CAT TUNNEL TOGIVEBACK CONFIDENCE TO YOUR CAT Help Cats Find Cats with Cats Tunnels Confidence As a cat’s guardian, your goal is to create a totally confident confidence in your cat’s territory. To cats means that it can survey its territory without fear, Hunting, licking hair and rest.