实行计划生育,控制人口增长,是我国基本国策,避孕药为此做出了重大贡献。尽管它的不良反应很小,但毕竟是药品,有其适应症与禁忌症。某些患病妇女能否用避孕药,这是人们颇为关心的问题。现按因人制宜的原则简介如下。 1.患活动性肝炎、重度肝硬化及肝癌的病人,均不宜用激素类避孕药。肾炎与胆囊病患者,不宜选用复方短效避孕药。因为这些避孕药均需在肝脏内解
The implementation of family planning and population growth control is the basic national policy of our country. Contraceptives have made a significant contribution to this goal. Despite its small adverse reaction, but after all, drugs, with its indications and contraindications. It is a matter of great concern to some women who are able to use birth control pills. Now according to the principle of individual system is as follows. 1. Patients with active hepatitis, severe cirrhosis and liver cancer, should not use hormonal contraceptives. Nephritis and gallbladder patients, should not use short-acting compound contraceptives. Because these contraceptives are required in the liver solution