Poplar jacaranda is a dry pest, larvae hidden in the bark, trunk or root damage .On the affected trees, while affecting the growth of tree vigor, but then the bark exfoliation, wood exposure, resulting in death.At present, known to damage the poplar There are three kinds of jibinosis: ten sedentar jerusalem, five jintle, jingles (tentative name.) The former is widespread in my area, Aletai, Burqin, Wusu, Manas, Sha Bay Turpan, Toksun, Shanshan, Hami, Korla, Luntai, Baicheng, Aksu, Kashgar, Urumqi and other places are found; the latter two only found in Turpan, Toksun and Altay (Beitun) The habit of ten semen jibinosis and its prevention and treatment are described below: