由中国网球协会和国际网联发展部共同举办的一级教练员培训班,于9月6~14日在北京中日交流中心网球场进行。来自全国近10个省市的网球教练员参加了培训。他们通过笔试和买践教学考试后,将获得国际网联和中国网球协会承认的一级教练员证书。 这是继今年3月在天津之后举办的第二次培训。按照计划,在我国将举办四次一级培训,并在其中选拨优秀教练员参加二级教练员培训,这种计划将进行五年,从而逐渐使中国的网球教练员培训工作形成完善的体制,并能够最快地了解到国际上的最新网球技术和发展变化。
A coaching coaching class co-organized by the China Tennis Association and the Internet Development Agency will be held on September 6-14 at the Beijing China Japan Exchange Center Tennis Court. Tennis coaches from nearly 10 provinces and cities nationwide attended the training. After passing the written and buy-in teaching exams, they will receive a first-level coaching certificate recognized by the ITU and the Chinese Tennis Association. This is the second training to follow after Tianjin in March this year. In accordance with the plan, in our country will be held four times a training, and in the selection of outstanding coaches to participate in two coaches training, this plan will be conducted for five years, so that gradually China’s tennis coaches training to form a complete system , And be able to learn the latest in the world of tennis technology and development changes.