增投扩量稳速提质控价保位 7月11日至14日,全区年中工作会议以实地学习考察和集中开会相结合的形式顺利召开。会议深入学习贯彻胡锦涛总书记“七一”重要讲话精神,全面总结上半年我区各项工作,深入交流各地各部门推动发展的有效做法和经验,科学分析当前我区发展面临的形势,研究部署下半年全区经济社会各项工作。
Increased volume by volume expansion Quotes quality control bidding July 11 to 14, the region mid-year working conference to learn from the site visits and centralized meeting held in the form of a smooth convening. The meeting thoroughly studied and implemented General Secretary Hu Jintao’s important speech on “July 1” and comprehensively summarized all the work in our region in the first half of the year, in-depth exchange of effective practices and experiences in promoting the development of all localities and departments, scientifically analyzed the current situation in development of our region, Study and deploy all economic and social work in the whole region in the second half of the year.