图1 颅脑CT轴扫的体位摆法。(1)瞳间线中点 (2)外耳道在日常的CT扫描工作中,颅脑CT占很大比例,现在经常用的扫描基线为听眦线,但对于驼背患者来讲,躺平后下颌骨明显上扬,倾斜扫描架至极限后,仍难以达到以听眦线为基准的要求。我们先后采用过垫高臀部及俯卧位等方法来弥
Figure 1 cranial brain CT scanner position swing method. (1) Interpupillary line midpoint (2) external auditory canal In the daily CT scan work, brain CT accounts for a large proportion of the scan line is now commonly used for listening 眦 line, but for the humpback patients lying flat after the jaw Bone significantly increased, tilting the gantry to the limit, it is still difficult to meet the hearing 眦 line as the benchmark requirements. We have adopted the method of raising the buttocks and prone position to Mi