The release of ~(14)C-chlorsulfuron bound residue by autoclaving method and its identification

来源 :Nuclear Science and Techniques | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rockyliangchao
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When individual microorganisms were used to release bound pesticide residues, it was ussually not take into full account whether the autoclavingmethod could lead to the release of bound residues. The soil containing bound 14Cchlorsulfuron residues was treated with an autoclave in this study. The results revealthat the bound 14C-chlorsulfuron residue can be released from the soil when treatedwith the autoclave and the release rate can be remarkably enhanced by adding water into the soil when subjected to such treatment. A TLC analysis showed that thereleased 14C-residue was one of the degraded products of 14C-chlorsulfuron. Afterderivatization and analysis using the GC-MS, the released 14C-residue was tentativelyidentified aS 2-amino-4-hydroXyl-6-methyl-1,3, When the individual microorganisms were used to release bound pesticide residues, it was ussually not taking into full account whether the autoclavingmethod could lead to the release of bound residues. The soil containing bound 14Cchlorsulfuron residues was treated with an autoclave in this study. The results revealthat the bound 14C-chlorsulfuron residue can be released from the soil when treated with the autoclave and the release rate can be remarkably enhanced by adding water into the soil when subjected to such treatment. A TLC analysis showed that therelevant 14C-residue was one of the degraded products of 14C-chlorsulfuron. Afterderivatization and analysis using the GC-MS, the released 14C-residue was tentatively identified aS 2-amino-4-hydroXyl-6-methyl-
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This is a completely new evaluation for the neutron cross sections for two nuclei ~(105,108)Pd. The experimental data of cross sections mainly referd to EXFOR.
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