本文采用子宫下段“U”型切口,同时用臀牵引方式娩出胎儿,可预防术中大出血,收到较满意的剖宫产效果。1 临床资料我院自1986~1991年分娩总数2600例,剖宫产数432例,占分娩总数的18%。因头位难产施剖宫产数259例,占剖宫产总数的60%,其中头位前置胎盘15例,产程延长儿头嵌入盆腔深处27例,头高浮25例。三者共计67例,占头难产的0.26%。2 手术指征、方法、效果2.1 指征:宫内孕36周以上,胎儿娩后有生存能力者。产程延长至久胎头深入骨盆;滞产、子宫下段拉长至约10cm;前置胎盘出血;头盆不称;头
In this paper, the lower uterine segment “U” incision, at the same time with the hipped traction of the fetus can prevent intraoperative bleeding, catena delivery more satisfactory results. 1 Clinical data Our hospital since 1986 ~ 1991 total number of 2600 cases of delivery, cesarean section number 432, accounting for 18% of the total number of deliveries. 259 cases of cesarean delivery due to head dystocia, accounting for 60% of the total number of cesarean section, including 15 cases of placenta accreta head, childbirth extension of childbirth embedded in 27 cases of deep pelvis, head floating in 25 cases. A total of 67 cases of the three, accounting for 0.26% of the first dystocia. 2 surgical indications, methods, effects 2.1 Indications: more than 36 weeks of intrauterine pregnancy, fetal viability after childbirth. Prolonged prolonged labor to fetal head deep pelvis; prolonged labor, lower uterine segment elongated to about 10cm; placenta previa bleeding;