In military equipment, microprocessors are gradually replacing other logic components. As a result, the U.S. Air Force is exploring a solution that will make microprocessors the main source of computers on board. This solution is a distributed microcomputer standard network interconnected by a serial, 1-Mbit dedicated data bus between computers that performs general aeronautical functions. Texas Instruments Inc. submitted a report to the Air Force Aviation Laboratory at the end of April reporting that by 1980, the cost of the computer was only one-tenth that of a common no-load computer today. Mixed with a variety of semiconductor processes, complementary, N-channel MOS, integrated injection logic or other processes that meet military standards. The idea behind a distributed processor / memory system was first proposed by Honeywell Systems and Laboratories, which analyzed eight aeronautical features and concluded that microcomputers need 16 bits of word length, memory The capacity is between 409 and 8192 bytes, and the operation speed is 250,000 instructions / second. The company devised a two-stage bus solution to achieve 1 Mbit data transfer rates between microcomputers. The standard processing unit, a microcomputer, has a microprocessor, memory, input / output components, and two bus interface components - about 40 in total, of six or seven different films. All components are connected together using a single bus, synchronous data transfer synchronous bus, which is the same as the PDF-11 single bus concept. Single-channel input / output components have two ways of working: standard program control input / output, direct memory access