Founder Zhang Yuan Shan (1892 ~ 1987) is one of the founding members of Science magazine and China Science Society. Parents who founded “science” to “dissemination of science, promote industry ” for the purpose. At the time when the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China were very few people in China knew of science, and the peasants who accounted for most of China’s population were almost insulated from science. As a civil society of scientists, Science is also a science-oriented scholar. However, the social activities of science that parents spread through science are not confined to the internal groups, nor are they just among the scholar who wears gowns. In my father’s diary, they keep a record of spreading science activities to the most ordinary Chinese public-farmer. When my father was studying in the United States, he was involved in initiating the founding of “science” and started to indissoluble bond with “spreading science and promoting industry.” After he returned from his studies, he served as Director General of the China International Famine Relief Commission for a long time, during which time he actively promoted the cause of rural cooperation