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家父章元善(1892~1987)是《科学》杂志和中国科学社的创办发起人之一。父辈们创办《科学》,以“传播科学、提倡实业”为宗旨。当时正值清末民初,中国了解科学的人很少,占中国人口多数的农民更与科学几乎绝缘。科学社作为一个科学家的民间团体,它所办的《科学》面向的也是读书人,然而父辈们传播科学的社会活动并未只局限于团体的内部.也不光是在穿长衫的读书人之中进行。在家父的日记中,就留有他们面向中国最普通的大众——农民,进行传播科学活动的记录。家父自在美求学时参与发起创办《科学》始,便与“传播科学,提倡实业”结下不解之缘。在他学成回国后,有很长一段时间任华洋义赈会总干事,期间他多方推动农村合作事业 Founder Zhang Yuan Shan (1892 ~ 1987) is one of the founding members of Science magazine and China Science Society. Parents who founded “science” to “dissemination of science, promote industry ” for the purpose. At the time when the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China were very few people in China knew of science, and the peasants who accounted for most of China’s population were almost insulated from science. As a civil society of scientists, Science is also a science-oriented scholar. However, the social activities of science that parents spread through science are not confined to the internal groups, nor are they just among the scholar who wears gowns. In my father’s diary, they keep a record of spreading science activities to the most ordinary Chinese public-farmer. When my father was studying in the United States, he was involved in initiating the founding of “science” and started to indissoluble bond with “spreading science and promoting industry.” After he returned from his studies, he served as Director General of the China International Famine Relief Commission for a long time, during which time he actively promoted the cause of rural cooperation
很多时候,留住谁,比得到谁更重要。  所以,在这个转会市场异常火热的2009年夏天,罗马、利物浦和尤文,这几大豪门尽管没有得到太重磅的炸弹,却成功留住了各自的传奇。    说他们是传奇,绝非像某个歌星唱了一个口水歌就被誉为“流行天王”,像某个唱歌都不在调的人参加选秀就被称为“全民偶像”,他们是经过广大球迷多年反复认证后得来的传奇这个“职称”,当然,现在说他们是传奇还有些早。但这就是时间上的问题,所
11、为什么振兴经济必须依靠科学技术进步?应该采取哪些经济的和行政的手段把企业改进技术的积极性充分调动起来? 首先,要认识到,科学技术就是生产力,它推动着社会经济的发
体育教师要从教学环境、教学情感、教学方法、教学评价等方面调动学生上课的积极性,激发他们的体育兴趣,让学生动感与兴趣结缘,主动参加体育锻炼,上好每一节体育课。 Physic
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