First, giving full play to combat functions is an innovative development that our military’s political work needs to meet the needs of the informationized war. Since our founding, our military’s political work has given its non-military means of operational effectiveness and has set the goal of consolidating its combat effectiveness and disintegrating its enemy forces. Comrade Mao Zedong pointed out: “Our victory not only depends on the operations of our army but also on the collapse of the enemy forces.” During the period of Jinggangshan, Mao Zedong pushed a large number of enemy troops to “liberate” troops through the implementation of preferential treatment and prisoners policy. Become one of the main sources at the time. In the period of the War of Resistance Against Japan and the War of Liberation, our military attaches great importance to the struggle of non-armed means and takes the disintegration of the enemy as one of the three major principles in the political work of our armed forces. It takes political aggression, shakes and destroys the enemy’s resistance to will and political work to disintegrate the enemy’s forces Played heavy