1995年6月19~22日在德国柏林召开了第11届ISO/TC119粉末冶金技术委员会全会及SCI~SC5各分会相应届的会议。我国派国家钢铁质检中心钢铁粉末室主任李忠全和冶金部钢铁研究总院粉末室亓家钟两位高级工程师以P成员身份参加了全会及各分会(SC4除外)会议。 在SC1、SC2、SC3和SC5的各分会上,代表们热烈而认真地讨论了有关标准的建议草案、工作组草案、委员会草案和标准草案以及制修订标准的各种建议和报告等内容。
The 11th Session of ISO / TC119 Powder Metallurgy Technical Committee and the corresponding sessions of SCI ~ SC5 branches were held in Berlin, Germany from June 19 to June 19, 1995. China’s national steel quality inspection center to send the director of the Office of Steel Powder Zhongzhe and the Ministry of Metallurgical Iron and Steel Research Institute Powder Room 亓 home clock two senior engineers to P members to participate in the plenary session and the club (except for SC4) meeting. Delegates at the SC1, SC2, SC3 and SC5 chapters had a lively and serious discussion of the standard draft recommendations, draft working groups, draft committees and standards, and various proposals and reports on revision criteria.