We emerge from our mother’s womb an unfor-matted diskette;our culture formats us Andy Warhol was born on August 6th,1928in Pittsburgh.A graduate of the CarnegieInstitute of Technology in 1949,he movedto New York City and gained success as a commercialartist.He got his first break in August 1949,whenGlamour Magazine wanted him to illustrate a featureentitled“Success is a Job in New York”.He contin-ued doing ads and illustrations and by 1955 he wasthe most successful and imitated commercial artist inNew York.In 1960 he produced the first of hispaintings depicting enlarged comic strip images-such
We emerge from our mother’s womb an unfor-matted diskette; our culture formats us Andy Warhol was born on August 6th, 1928 in Pittsburgh. A graduate of the Carnegie Institute in Technology in 1949, he moved to New York City and succeeded as a commercialartist. He got his first break in August 1949, when Glamor Magazine wants him to illustrate a featureentitled “Success is a Job in New York ”. He contin-ued doing ads and illustrations and by 1955 he wasthe most successful and imitated commercial artist in New York. In 1960 he produced the first of his painting depicting enlarged comic strip images-such