在巡回医疗的两个多月中,我深深体会到,农村是多么需要革命的医生,而我們医务人員又多么需要到农村去鍛炼呵! 下乡之前,我的思想顧虑是很多的。此如,認为农村条件差,旣缺少化驗設备,又不能用X线来配合诊断,怕搞不好工作,也耽心业务提不高。可是一到乡下,接触了实际,特别是同貧下中建立了感情之后,我的思想发生了变化,这些頋虑也就打消了。比如,在农村診病时,由于設备条件較差,我对病史和体征就特别重視,能注意掌握較全
In the more than two months of traveling medical services, I have deeply realized how much the need of a revolutionary doctor in the rural areas and how much our medical staff need to go to rural areas for exercise. Before my going to the countryside, I had a lot of ideological concerns . This, for example, that poor rural conditions, lack of laboratory equipment, but also can not be used to diagnose X-ray, afraid to engage in bad work, but also worried about business is not high. However, as soon as I came to the countryside and came into contact with reality, especially after I had established feelings with the poor, my thoughts were changed and my worries were dispelled. For example, when visiting a doctor in rural areas, because of poor equipment, I pay special attention to my medical history and signs,