清除污染 繁荣创作

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最近,中共中央、国务院颁发《关于严禁进口、复制、销售、播放下流录音、录像制品的规定》,同时在三月的“全民文明礼貌月”活动中,各地有关部门采取了措施,坚决取缔了港台进口的黄色唱片和录音带。这是一次清除精神垃圾的大扫除,也是搞好社会主义精神文明的大建设,的确抓得及时,抓得好!得到各地人民群众的支持和拥护.近几年来,由于我国四化建设的需要,我们加强了与世界各国人民的交往,这个开放政策是完全必要的,今后也应该加强.但是,在敞开大门的同时,也涌进来一些污泥浊水.港台黄色唱片和录音带便是其中之一.这些黄色歌曲,语言低级下流,曲调缠绵轻佻,好似一粒粒精神鸦片,严重地麻痹和腐蚀着人们、特别是青少年的灵魂,这是不能低估的“公害”。君不见.有些蓬头垢面身着奇装异服的所谓“时髦” Recently, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the “Provisions on Prohibiting the Importation, Reproduction, Sale and Play of Abandoned Recordings and Video Products”. In March, during the “Civilized Manners Month” campaign, relevant departments in all places took measures to resolutely ban them Hong Kong and Taiwan imported yellow records and audio tapes. This is a clean-up to clear away spiritual waste and a big construction to do a good job of socialist spiritual civilization. It is indeed timely and well-grasped and has won the support and support of people everywhere. In recent years, due to the needs of the four modernizations in our country, We have stepped up contacts with the people of all countries in the world. This open policy is absolutely necessary and should be strengthened in the future. However, as we open our doors, some muddy muddy water has poured in. One of them is Hong Kong-Taiwan yellow records and tapes. These yellow songs, with low-level language and lingering tunes, resembled a grain of opium that seriously paralyzed and corrupted the souls of people, especially young people. This is a “public nuisance” that can not be underestimated. Do not you see some unkempt kits fitted so-called “trendy”
[目的 ]从分子生物学角度进一步证实我们发现的 1例 HIV感染者为国内首例 HIV- 2型病毒携带者。 [方法 ]从 Genebank查询已知的 HIV- 2核酸序列 ,通过序列比较以及酶切位点分
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现在的色彩,并不以再现自然色为目的,而是作为一种具有独立表达意义的元素,已经可以自成一种表达语言。 The present color does not aim at the reproduction of natural c
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