Rural clinics, as the network of rural medical and health care nets, are the implementing agencies for rural residents to receive basic medical services, prevention and health care services, as well as communicable diseases and endemic diseases monitoring. In order to enable readers to understand the development and construction of rural clinics at this stage, this issue has compiled 6 articles related to the “National Social Science Foundation-Socialist New Countryside Construction Village Clinic” by the Associate Professor Li Bin of Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology Role model and its implementation of pathological research, "the article, the subject to Jiangsu, Gansu, Guangdong, Hebei, Hubei, Beijing, Tianjin, 5 provinces and 2 cities of the rural clinics as the object of observation, collected a large amount of raw data, a comprehensive reflection and synthesis Analysis of the status quo of rural clinics in our country, the existing problems and the role of chronic diseases and rehabilitation, etc., have some learning and reference value, especially recommended to domestic counterparts.