为了进一步加强文艺队伍建设 ,在文艺界形成崇德尚艺的良好风气 ,同时也是为了庆祝中国文联成立 5 5周年 ,中国文联和国家人事部于 7月 1 9日在北京人民大会堂隆重举行了全国中青年德艺双馨文艺工作者表彰大会。 3 0位艺术家获得了德艺双馨文艺工作者的光荣称号。戏剧艺术家于?
In order to further strengthen the building of literary and artistic ranks, a good culture of Zonta Shangyiyu was formed in the literary and art circles, and also to celebrate the 5 th anniversary of the establishment of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. The China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the Ministry of Personnel were held ceremoniously in Beijing Great Hall of Commons on July 19th National young and middle-aged arts and cultural Shuang Xin literary workers commendation ceremony. 30 artists won the glorious title of the art and literary workers in Shanghai. Theater artist at?