
来源 :中华人民共和国最高人民检察院公报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzyynn99
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各省、自治区、直辖市人民检察院,军事检察院,新疆生产建设兵团人民检察院:国务院部署在全国开展整顿和规范市场经济秩序工作以来,各级检察机关认真贯彻落实高检院的工作部署,迅速行动,积极参与这项工作,运用检察职能,依法及时批捕、起诉了一批破坏市场经济秩序犯罪案件,为整顿和规范市场经济秩序工作的顺利深入开展,提供了有力的司法保证。根据高检院领导同志的指示精神,现对在整顿和规范市场经济秩序中,进一步加强办案工作的有关问题通知如下:一、统一思想,提高认识。开展“严打”整治斗争和整顿规范市场经济秩序,是党中央在新形势下作出的两个重要战略决策,对于保障改革开放和经济建设的顺利进行,保证“十五”计划目标的顺利实现,具有十分重要的意义。各级检察机关一定要认真学习贯彻江泽民总书记、朱镕基总理在全国 People’s Procuratorates of the Provinces, Autonomous Regions and Municipalities directly under the Central Government, People’s Procuratorates of the Procuratorate of the People’s Republic of China, and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Since the state council deployed its work of rectifying and standardizing the market economic order throughout the country, the procuratorates at all levels have conscientiously implemented the work arrangements of the high-tech institutes, acted swiftly and actively Participating in this work, using procuratorial functions, timely arresting and prosecuting a number of crimes that undermine the order of the market economy have provided a powerful judicial guarantee for the smooth and in-depth work of rectifying and standardizing the market economic order. According to the instructions of the leading comrades of the High Procuratorate, we hereby notify you of the following concerning the further strengthening of handling cases in the process of rectifying and standardizing the market economy as follows: I. Unifying our thinking and raising our awareness. Carrying out “serious crackdown” and rectifying the struggle of the market and rectifying and standardizing the order of the market economy are two important strategic decisions made by the Central Party Committee under the new situation. These are two important strategic decisions for safeguarding the reform, opening up and economic construction so as to ensure the goal of the “10th Five-Year Plan” The smooth realization has a very important meaning. Procuratorial organs at all levels must conscientiously study and implement General Secretary Jiang Zemin and Premier Zhu Rongji across the country
李某于2001年5月购买了一台客货两用的东风牌汽车并办理了车辆入户手续。2003年9月10日,李某收到了交警部门寄来的交通违章罚款单.称其分别于2002年12月22 日、2003年4月5日
1 躺椅上的美梦    店里没有生意,阿笨猫正在店里嗑瓜子。店里卖的瓜子大部分是阿笨猫自己嗑完的。  正觉得无聊,巴拉巴的飞碟忽然降落在店门口。  阿笨猫说:“你怎么又来了,上次我可被你骗得好苦。”  巴拉巴说:“对不起,对不起!这次我可是带来了真正的好货。”  “是什么?拿出来看看。”  巴拉巴在一个大口袋里摸着,摸出了一顶皱巴巴的英国式睡帽。  “这是什么?我可不收旧货。”阿笨猫说。  “这可