养心菜,景天科多年生植物,由于分布区域有限,用途诸多,是极其珍贵的药用花卉。养心菜主要有以下用途和特点:①适应性广:冬季最低气温在一10℃以上,海拔高度1800m 以下的地区均能正常生长。对土壤要求不严,以在富含腐殖质的沙质土中生长最佳。抗病抗虫,生长期间基本上不需打农药,实属天然无公害“绿色植物”。②观赏价值高:其株高30~60CM,叶片长披针形,肥厚多汁,株形优美,秋季开金黄色花朵,可作为庭院阳台盆栽及花坛地栽都能达到较佳的观赏效果。③有多种药用价值,该植物全菜药用,系一味高效广
Yang Xin Cai, Sedum perennial plants, due to the limited distribution of areas, many uses, is extremely precious medicinal flowers. The main purpose of heart-rearing vegetables is the following uses and characteristics: ① Wide adaptability: the minimum temperature in winter is above 10 ℃ and the altitude below 1800m can grow normally. Strict requirements on the soil to grow best in humus rich sandy soil. Disease and insect resistance, growth period basically do not need to play pesticides, it is natural pollution-free “green plants ”. ② ornamental value: the height of 30 ~ 60CM, long lanceolate leaves, juicy and juicy, plant shape beautiful, open golden yellow flowers, can be used as the garden balcony potted plants and flower beds can achieve better viewing results. ③ a variety of medicinal value, the whole plant medicinal herbs, blindly efficient blindly