网络时代已浮出水面,在面向21世纪的进程中,网络时代的步伐也更为加快。对此,有些人对网络时代会有诸多的不适应。就象南太平洋岛的土著人,忽然来到灯红酒绿的纽约曼哈顿区,会满面惊诠,有一种找不着北的感觉。当然,我们西装革履的大部分城市居民面对网络时代的反差不会如此之巨,但与网络时代的距离总是有的。 陌生于网络时代,会产生种种的不适,诸如桌上摆了一台586,但硬是用自来水笔在纸上写写划划;
The era of the Internet has surfaced. In the process of facing the 21st century, the pace of the Internet age has also accelerated even more. In response, some people do not have enough time to adapt to the Internet age. Like Aboriginal people in the South Pacific, suddenly came to New York Manhattan, will be full of interpretation, there is a feeling of North can not be found. Of course, most urban residents in our suits and ties will not be so big in the face of the Internet age, but they will always have a distance from the Internet age. Strange in the Internet age, will have all sorts of discomfort, such as a 586 placed on the table, but simply written in water using pen strokes;