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“九五”是我国经济体制从传统的计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济体制转变,经济增长方式从粗放型向集约型转变的关键时期,又是机械工业打好“三大战役”,全面启动振兴的重要阶段。为实现“两个根本性转变”,促进机械工业的振兴,在总结机械工业“八五”体制改革的基础上,提出了机械工业“九五”体制改革思路,以指导全行业体制改革的健康发展。 一、机械工业“八五”体制改革的简要回顾 “八五”期间,党中央提出加快改革开放步伐,确定建立社会主义市场经济体制总目标以来,机械工业体制改革加快了步伐,取得了较大进展。 The Ninth Five-Year Plan period was the crucial period for China’s economic system transformation from the traditional planned economic system to the socialist market economic system and its mode of economic growth from extensive mode to intensive mode. It was also a crucial period for the machinery industry to lay “the three major campaigns” in full swing Rejuvenation of the important stage. In order to realize the “two fundamental changes” and promote the revitalization of the machinery industry, on the basis of summarizing the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” reform of the machinery industry, the paper put forward the idea of ​​reforming the Ninth Five-Year Plan of the machinery industry so as to guide the health reform of the entire industry development of. I. A Brief Review of the System Reform of the Eighth Five-Year Plan Period of the Machinery Industry During the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period, since the Central Party Central Committee proposed to speed up the pace of reform and opening up and establish the overall goal of establishing a socialist market economic system, the reform of the machinery industrial system accelerated and achieved relatively large progress.
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大凡有些年纪的人,肯定都记得“老三篇”。作为也有些年纪的我,总感觉那个时代尽管成了历史,但我总忘不了那个叫做“愚公移山”的寓言故事。  那个移山痴心不敢,挖土决心不变,并
选拔和任用检察干部 ,应积极引入市场经济原则 ,更新用人观念 ,在政治素质过硬的前提下 ,强调以实绩为导向 ,通过竞争选拔任用优秀者。什么是工作实绩 ?检察机关需要办案能手
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