1、选择适宜的鱼种池塘。鱼种池面积以5亩左右为最佳,水深2米以上,不漏水,具有注排水设施。亩产达500公斤以上,每亩池塘还要配备0.5千瓦左右的增氧设备, 2、挑选优质夏花鱼种。优质夏花鱼种白昼在水下层活动,喜集群,行动活泼,受到惊吓时反应灵敏,能争先恐后地抢夺饲料,鱼体丰满,体色发亮,鳞片完整,顶水能力强,离开水后鳃盖不立即张开等。选好的夏花鱼种用3%食盐水浸洗消毒。 3、培育适口的天然饵料。夏花草鱼应在枝
1, choose the appropriate species of ponds. Fish species pool area of about 5 acres for the best, more than 2 meters deep, watertight, with water injection facilities. Per mu yield of 500 kilograms or more per acre pond but also equipped with 0.5 kilowatts of aerobic equipment, 2, select the quality of summer flowers species. High quality summer flower species activities in the water during the day, hi clusters, lively action, when the response was scared, scrambling to grab the feed, the body fullness, body color shiny, full scale, top water ability, after leaving the water gills Cover does not immediately open and so on. Selected summer flowers with 3% salt water immersion disinfection. 3, to cultivate palatable natural food. Summer flowers should fish in the branches