The article ”The story behind Mao Tse-tung’s Poetry“ published in ”The History of the Party History“ (documentary) No.8, 2013 at the beginning of the section entitled ”The Story Behind the Seven-Law Long March“ reads: ”October 1935 , The Long March of the Red Army reached Wuqi Town in northern Shaanxi, and Mao Zedong spent three days in Wuqi Town, heading for Wayaobao, where he poetic Daihatsu. Next, ... remove the inkstone from the tin box, study the ink, dipped the ink in a small print with a camel, and wrote the poetry of the “Seven-Law Long March” (later revised) on a piece of rice paper: The Red Army is not afraid of expeditions, ... “(34 pages)” In 1936 Snow was writing "West