近年来,在印制电路板工业突飞猛进的促动下,中国大陆的覆铜板工业在产能、质量,规格、品种等各方面发展迅猛。中国以全球70%以上的产量跃居覆铜板第一制造大国。生益科技,作为中国最大的覆铜板生产企业,70%的产品销往世界各地,并拥有国家级企业研究开发中心。不仅如此,生益也与全球知名的、拥有百年历史的产品安全事业领导者——UL建立合作伙伴关系,并在2008年加入UL标准技术小组STP 796,成为当时该标准技术小组唯一中国本土制造商的会员。
In recent years, with the rapid development of the printed circuit board industry, the CCL industry in mainland China has witnessed rapid development in terms of production capacity, quality, specifications and varieties. China surpassed 70% of the world’s total output to the largest manufacturing country for CCL. Health benefits science and technology, as China’s largest manufacturer of CCL, 70% of the products are sold around the world, and has a state-level enterprise research and development centers. Not only that, but also with the world-renowned 100-year history of product safety leader UL to establish a partnership and in 2008 joined the UL standard technology group STP 796, became the standard technical team was the only Chinese-made Business members.