七厘散出自《良方集腋》,由血竭、麝香、冰片、乳香、没药、红花、硃砂,儿茶组成,功能活血散瘀,止痛止血,为伤科要药。笔者用治疗某些内、妇、外科疾病,亦获良效,拓宽了该药的治疗范围。 1.头痛:头为诸阳之会,气血上养于脑,若脏腑失调,或跌仆损伤,皆可致血凝气滞,阻塞脉络,不通则痛。其痛有经久不愈,固定不移,或痛如锥刺,日轻夜重等瘀痛特征。《临症指南医案》载:“气血瘀痹而
Seven PCTs are scattered from the “Renfang Jijiu” and consist of dragon’s blood, musk, borneol, frankincense, myrrh, safflower, cinnabar, and catechu. They function to relieve blood stasis, stop bleeding, and cure diseases. The author used the treatment of certain internal, gynecological and surgical diseases, and also obtained good results, broadening the scope of treatment of the drug. 1. Headache: The head is the meeting of Zhuyang. The blood is raised on the brain. If the organs are disordered, or the servant hurts, they can all cause blood coagulation stagnation, occlusion, and general pain. The pain has long-term unhealed, fixed or painful, such as cone acupuncture, day light weight and other painful features. The “Clinical Guidelines for Medical Treatment” contains: "Blood and Blood