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國务院第23次全体会議通过了《國务院关于公布漢字簡化方案的决議》和《國务院关于推廣普通話的指示》,并同意了中國文字改革委員会把《漢語拼音方案(草案)》送請中國人民政治协商会講全國委员会組織座談討論,同时在报刊上發表,廣泛征集意見,准备作必要的修正。这些决定和措施对于文字改革、推廣普通話和漢語规范化有重大意义。过去几十年中,各階級各階層出身的爱國人士,在文字改革、推廣普通話等方面曾作过許多努力,產生了“切音”、“官話字母”等拼音文字及“注音字母”、“國語罗馬字”、“第一批簡体字表”等,也推行过“國語运动”。可是在滿清王朝、北洋軍閥和國民党反动統治时代,这些工作不能真正开展。例如:“第一批簡体字表”剛剛 At the 23rd plenary meeting of the State Council, the “Resolution of the State Council on Announcing Simplified Chinese Characters” and the “Directive of the State Council on Promotion of Putonghua” were approved and approved by the Chinese Text Reform Commission for “Hanyu Pinyin Scheme ) Invited the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) to make a panel discussion with the National Committee on this issue, publish it in the press at the same time, solicit opinions extensively and prepare for the necessary amendments. These decisions and measures are of great significance to the text reform, the promotion of Putonghua and the standardization of Chinese language. Over the past few decades, patriotic people of all walks of life from all walks of life have made many efforts in text reform and the promotion of Putonghua, and have produced ”pinyin“ and ”pinyin“ and other pinyin scripts. ”Phonetic alphabet “, ”Roman language “, ”The first batch of simplified form “, also introduced ”Mandarin movement “. However, during the Manchu dynasty, the Northern Warlords and the Kuomintang reactionary rule, these efforts could not be truly carried out. For example: ”The first few simplified form " just
1974年2月至1978年3月,我们用昆明山海棠[Tripterygium hypoglaucum (Levi·)Hutch]根,治疗类风湿性关节炎600例,总有效率达97%,取得了较好的效果。其主要付反应是可引起女性
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【摘 要】因疲劳而引发的机械零件破坏约占80%,因此疲劳破坏的问题得到了国内外的极大关注,其中疲劳寿命的预测尤其重要,本文简单探讨国内外关于疲劳现象的系统研究。  【关键词】疲劳寿命;研究  美国试验与材料协会(ASTM)在“疲劳试验及数据统计分析之有关术语的标准定义”(ASTM E206-72)中给出疲劳的定义:在某点或某些点承受扰动应力,且在足够多的循环扰动作用之后形成裂纹或完全断裂的材料中所