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军委杨白冰秘书长在去年全军业余文艺会演大会上讲话时说:“现在占领意识形态阵地需要文艺,‘四化’建设和军队建设呼唤文艺,广大干部战士期待文艺。”这是杨秘书长在新的历史时期代表军委首长和全军干部战士向军队文艺工作所发出的战斗号令,也是赋予我们军队文艺战士的历史使命。作为军队文艺战线的一名老兵,理所当然地要考虑如何以自己的艺术实践来回答这种“需要”、“呼唤”和“期待”。最近看了总政话剧团《冰山情》的演出,思想上似乎开了点儿窍,觉得经过努力,认真学习《冰山情》的成功经验,还是有可能用话剧这一艺术形式来担当起“占领意识形态阵 In a speech last year’s amateur literary assembly conference of the PLA, CPPCC Secretary-General Yang Baibing said: “Now occupying the ideological front requires literature and art. The construction of the” four modernizations “and the army building call for literature and art, and the vast numbers of cadres and warriors look forward to literature and art.” This is what Secretary General Yang The war order issued by the head of the Central Military Commission and cadre of the whole army to the literary and art work of the army during the new historical period is also the historic mission entrusted to our military literary and art warriors. As a veteran of the army’s literary and art front, it is a matter of course to consider how to answer such “needs,” “calling,” and “looking forward” to one’s artistic practice. Recently, when I watched the performance of the General Political Troupe “Ice Mountain”, it seemed that I was able to open a little thought in my mind. I think it is possible to learn from the successful experience of “Ice Mountain” through hard work and to use the art form of drama as " Occupation of ideology matrix
摘要:体育教学过程是一个复杂的认识过程,体育教学中,无论教师讲的多好,不调动学生的积极性,都将影响到现实教学任务的完成,会影响着学生以后对体育知识的掌握和智力的发展、能力的培养。文章针对如何提高体育教学效果进行论述,并提出影响体育教学效果的诸多因素。  关键词:高校体育;教学;效果  体育教学不仅传授体育学科的知识技能,发展学生身体,增强学生体质,而且还要影响学生的“个性化”进程,使学生的思想行为
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书包越来越重,作业越来越多,这是很多同学的体会。现在的中小学校园里,“小眼镜”也越来越多。很多同学都为视力下降看不清黑板而苦恼,家长们也伤透了脑筋。然而, More and