国家经济贸易委员会作出决定广泛开展转机制 抓管理 练内功 增效益活动

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为适应社会主义市场经济发展的要求,加快现代企业制度的建立,引导企业苦练内功,全面提高素质,增强市场适应能力和竞争能力,国家经贸委决定从今年开始,在全国企业特别是国有大中型企业中广泛开展“转机制,抓管理,练内功,增效益”活动(以下简称“活动”): 一、开展“活动”的意义和目的 党的十一届三中全会以来,我国企业通过全面整顿、企业升级活动,特别是贯彻《转机条例》以来,企业按照市场经济要求,进一步加强和改善经营管理,涌现出一批转换机制快、经营管理好、经济效益高的先进企业。但是,从总体上看,我国企业管理水平仍不能适应市场经济发展的要求。在转机建制过程中,一些企业忽视开发市场,放松内部管理,存在“以转代管”倾向和管理“滑坡”问题。 今年,国家宏观经济体制改革要迈出较大步伐,统一、开放的市场体系逐步建立、完善。在市场机制的作用下,企业经营管理水平的高低,对企业的生存和发展起着决定性的作用。因此,采取切实措施,促使企业进一步转换经营机制,提高自主管理能力,不仅关系 In order to meet the requirements of the development of the socialist market economy, speed up the establishment of a modern enterprise system, guide enterprises in their hard work, improve their overall quality, and enhance market adaptability and competitiveness. The State Economic and Trade Commission decided to start this year with national enterprises, especially state-owned enterprises. Among the medium-sized enterprises, the “transformation mechanism, management, internal strength, and efficiency increase” activities (hereinafter referred to as “activities”) are widely carried out: 1. Significance and purpose of “activities” Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Party Congress, Chinese enterprises have passed After comprehensive rectification and corporate upgrading activities, and in particular implementing the “Regulations on Turning Machines,” the enterprises have further strengthened and improved their operation and management in accordance with the requirements of the market economy, and have emerged a batch of advanced enterprises with fast conversion mechanisms, good business management, and high economic benefits. However, on the whole, the level of enterprise management in China still cannot meet the requirements of market economy development. In the process of establishing a turnaround, some companies have neglected the development of the market and have relaxed internal management. There are problems with the tendency of “redirecting management” and management. This year, the country’s macroeconomic system reform must take a big step, and a unified and open market system is gradually established and improved. Under the role of market mechanisms, the level of business management of enterprises plays a decisive role in the survival and development of enterprises. Therefore, practical measures are taken to encourage enterprises to further transform their operating mechanisms and improve their self-management capabilities.
严冬来临,昼短夜长,我的思念也长了。不知高飞的鸽子可给我带去那亲切的问候。 远方有我双鬓斑白的父母和朝夕相处的伙伴,虽然我们之间有看不见的长空阻隔,却系着彼此间绵绵
1 CDMA技术提出的背景 1989年,CDMA发源于美国,最初的设计构想是为美国蜂窝电话运营商提供大容量和高质量的无线通信方案,由于其新颖的特点、优异的性能,CDMA一出世马上就受
对淘气包该如何管教,是很多家长头痛的事,这一位家长的做法不能提倡——    治顽童引来“国学教育”    今年36岁的李肖肖在郑州一所高校的宣传部任副部长,丈夫刘大伟是一家大型国有企业的中层干部,6岁的儿子刘子涵刚上小学。刘子涵非常调皮,常跟同学打架,隔三差五地惹祸。  儿子的顽劣是李肖肖最大的心病,她不止一次跟丈夫谈儿子的教育问题,可丈夫经常出差,谈来谈去没什么结果。   2005年10月初,李