Safety research in the gasification process of novel multi-thermal-source coal gasifier

来源 :Mining Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:feilang166
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In order to collect the gas safely produced in the gasification process of the novel multi-thermal-source coal gasifier,based on its gasification skill and the characteristics of the products,this paper analyzes the possible dangers in the gasification process,devises the gasifier eruption and explosion experiments,explores the conditions of gasifier eruption and gas explosion,studies their effects on the gasification process and establishes safe operation measures.Gasifier eruption hazard occurs easily in the gasification process of one-thermal-source coal gasifier when MSiO2 is far higher than that in the normal adjuvant.The gas permeability in the gasifier is not the same and the power supply is too large.However,similar conditions in the gasification of multi-thermal-source coal gasifier do not produce a gasifier eruption accident so easily.When it erupts,the gasifier should be stopped and then cooled down naturally or inert gas can be sprayed on the gasifier to cool it off,and thus gas explosion can be avoided.There is a possibility of direct gas explosion,but it can be avoided when the gas in the gas collecting space is replaced slowly by supplying a small amount of power or the inert gas fills the space in the previous gasification.The time a fire is lit is strictly controlled,the gas is drawn in by using the aspirator pump,and the gasifier pressure is kept in the state of micro-positive pressure in the middle and later gasification process.The conclusion is that the gasification process of the novel multi-thermalsource coal gasifier is safe according to normal operation rules. In order to collect the gas safely produced in the gasification process of the novel multi-thermal-source coal gasifier, based on its gasification skill and the characteristics of the products, this paper analyzes the possible dangers in the gasification process, devises the gasifier eruption and explosion experiments, explores the conditions of gasifier eruption and gas explosion, studies their effects on the gasification process and established safe operation measures. Gasifier eruption hazard occurs easily in the gasification process of one-thermal-source coal gasifier when MSiO2 is far higher than that in the normal adjuvant.The gas permeability in the gasifier is not the same and the power supply is too large .However, similar conditions in the gasification of multi-thermal-source coal gasifier do not produce a gasifier eruption accident so easily. it erupts, the gasifier should be stopped and then cooled down naturally or inert gas can be sprayed on the gasifier to cool it off, and thu s gas explosion can be avoided.There is a can of direct gas explosion, but it can be avoided when the gas in the gas collecting space is replaced slowly by supplying a small amount of power or the inert gas fills the space in the previous gasification. The time a fire is lit is strictly controlled, the gas is drawn in by using the aspirator pump, and the gasifier pressure is kept in the state of micro-positive pressure in the middle and later gasification process.The conclusion is that the gasification process of the novel multi-thermalsource coal gasifier is safe according to normal operation rules.
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