《李太白仙诗卷》这幅不朽的书法精品诞生于公元1093年。 《东坡题跋》中载有此卷的创作由来:“余顷在京师,有道人相访,风骨甚异,语论不凡。自云:‘常与物外诸公往还。’口诵此二篇,云:‘东华上清监清逸真人李太白作也。’”然此二诗未见于《李太白集》,是否伪作,不得而知。但东坡显然确信无疑,并欣然提笔,留下了这卷传世佳作。九百多年后的今天,当我们重新翻开这卷作品时,仍禁不住为其精湛的技艺、飞扬的神采所撼动。一幅即兴之作何以能够穿透历史、跨越时空,对后世产生如此深远的影响?散发出如此久远的艺术魅力?仅从技法上是难以回答这个问题的。 中国是一个历史悠久的文化古国,作为艺术的一门分支——书法,不仅仅是笔墨的技巧,在它的背后,沉聚着上千年丰厚的文化积淀。也正因如此,使得书法艺术在世界艺术之林占据了一个重要的位置。时代的变迁,制度的更替,信仰的改
“Li Taibai Poetry Volume” This immortal calligraphy boutique was born in 1093 AD. “Dongpo title” contains the origin of this volume: “Yu is in the capital, there are Taoist visits, very different in style, language theory extraordinary. Two, cloud: ’Donghua supervise Qing real people Li Taibai Zuo Ye.’ ”However, these two poems have not seen in“ Li Taibai Set, ”whether the fake, is unknown. However, it is clear that Dongpo is certain of no doubt and is pleased to pick up the pen and leave behind this volume of masterpieces handed down. Today, more than 900 years later, when we reopen the work, we can not help but shake up its exquisite skill and flying spirit. How an impromptu can penetrate history and span time and space has such a far-reaching impact on future generations that it is difficult to answer such a question technically? China is a country with a long history and culture. As a branch of art, calligraphy is not only a technique of brushwork and ink painting, but also has rich cultural heritage accumulated for thousands of years behind it. Precisely because of this, the art of calligraphy occupies an important position in the art world. Changes in the Times, Institutional Changes, Changes in Beliefs