
来源 :电影艺术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:haole1
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《现代电影史》一书是写给广大电影爱好者、影视工作者的通俗性读物。本书叙述了电影如何从一个简单精致的魔盒变为民间娱乐活动、后来又成为本世纪一门具有代表性的神圣艺术。它回顾了电彰的发展和演变,对不同国家、不同历史时期的重要银幕作品,一代又一代的衷情于电影、为之献身并做出辉煌贡献的电影家作了介绍。全书共分三大章。第一章:默片艺术——从电影发明前的史前史谈起,讲到电影机的发明和世界各国的默片艺术;第二章:有声电影——介绍了好莱坞类型电影及第二次世界大战时期和当代的各国电影情况;第三章:电影新世纪——对电影的现状和未来作了简要的分析与展望。《当代电影史》的作者是加拿大电影评论家、史学教授查尔·福特,他执教于加拿大多伦多大学和巴黎大学,目前西方已出版过他的30多部有关电影史的专著,被译为8种文字。现将《现代电影史》中若干段落节译如下,以飨读者。 “Modern Film History” is a book written for the majority of movie enthusiasts, film and television workers of the popular books. This book describes how a movie has evolved from a simple, refined box to a folk entertainment event and later became a representative sacred art of this century. It reviews the development and evolution of the etiquette and introduces filmmakers dedicated to and making brilliant contributions to important screen productions in different countries and historical periods, and generation after generation of affectionate films. The book is divided into three chapters. Chapter One: The Art of Silent Film - Talking about the invention of film machine and the silent film art of all countries in the world from the prehistoric history before the invention of the movie; Chapter Two: The Sound Movie - Introducing the Hollywood type film and the Second World War Period and contemporary film situation in all countries; Chapter III: movie new century - made a brief analysis and prospect of the current situation and future of the movie. The author of “The History of Contemporary Film” is a Canadian film critic and historian professor Charl Ford. He teaches at the University of Toronto in Canada and Paris University. At present, the West has published more than 30 books on the history of films and is translated as 8 Kind of text. Now “History of Modern Film” in a number of paragraphs section below translated to readers.
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