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格奥尔格·卢卡奇是20世纪真正的、最具独立性和创造性的马克思主义思想家。他认为无产阶级只有获取革命意识,才能解决日益增多的剥削和压迫问题。但是,俄国革命后建立的官僚社会,资本主义国家的消费主义和福利时代的到来以及第三世界忙于工业化和城市化进程等因素阻止了革命意识的出现。在这种历史条件下,卢卡奇历经不同阶段,对资产阶级现实、他所处的时代文化以及德国哲学和文学进行了激进的政治批判和哲学批判,并因此受到了官方当局的批判。与布洛赫相比,卢卡奇的批判思想具有典型局限,一是他始终在探求一种决定性的历史观,忽视了人的实践所创造的历史可能性;二是他有一种将理论简化为知识,将革命意识简化为自我意识的倾向;三是他认为真正的批判实践活动仅在一个组织内是可能的;四是他的批判思想既无法激发高尚的动机也无法激励人们采取大胆的道德选择。 Georg Lukacs is the true, most independent and creative Marxist thinker in the 20th century. He believes that the proletariat can only solve the ever-increasing problem of exploitation and oppression only by acquiring revolutionary ideas. However, the bureaucratic society established after the Russian Revolution, the advent of consumerism and welfare in the capitalist countries, and the third world’s preoccupation with the process of industrialization and urbanization prevented the emergence of revolutionary consciousness. Under such historical conditions, Lukacs underwent various stages of political criticism and philosophical criticism of the bourgeois reality, his time culture and German philosophy and literature, and was therefore criticized by official authorities. Compared with Bloch, Lukacs’s criticism has its typical limitations. First, he always explores a decisive view of history, neglects the historical possibility created by human practice. Second, he has a theory that simplifies the theory As the knowledge, the revolutionary consciousness is reduced to the tendency of self-consciousness; third, he thinks that the real critical practice activities are possible only within one organization; fourth, his critical thinking can neither inspire noble motivation nor inspire people to adopt daring Moral choice.
伟大的战略家毛泽东说过:“没有文化的军队是愚蠢的军队,而愚蠢的军队是不能战胜敌人的。”市场竞争也是如此,没有文化的企业是愚蠢的企业,而愚蠢的企业是不能赢得竞争的。  文化就是力量,但不是一般意义的力量,而是决定企业成败的力量。在经济全球化背景之下,企业从经营、管理、质量、营销、服务,到重组并购、股权联合、人才争夺等等,其背后都有文化这只“无形之手”的巨大作用。在当今中外企业界,越来越多的企业家认识
在科技先进和信息化先行的发达国家,涌现了知识经济浪潮,这给经济管理和传统管理理论带来许多新情况和新课题。而经济管理中各种要素的管理归根到底是对高素质人员的管理———知识型员工的管理,知识型员工管理是事业成败关键因素之一。    知识型员工的特点    为了有效管理知识型员工,首先要了解和掌握知识型员工的特点。  知识型员工拥有较强的自主意识,倾向于独立自主的工作。这种自主性表现在工作场所、工作时间