The fame and influence that underpins China’s Internet portals are tens of millions of visits every day. For a long time, the industry has not given any doubt as to the authenticity of this figure. Until Alexa a few days ago due to traffic algorithm changes triggered their ranking changes, as well as Sina and Sohu pinch, Fang began to expose the taboo for the giants of the topic, which also contains a great possibility of fraud. In the face of the industry’s highly questioned, China website traffic statistics on whether there is no fraud? If so, what websites are doing this dirty things? Sina and Sohu traffic, who is more convincing? Alexa’s algorithm Can get the approval of China’s Internet community do not pay attention to this third-party statistical sites abroad, what kind of ability so that Chinese Internet companies mad? IT Times through in-depth investigation, interviews with the parties and a large number of Informed persons, making the above questions one by one to be answered.