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知识经济已见端倪,有人预言,下世纪将是知识经济的世纪。知识经济将逐步取代工业经济的趋势已成定势,世界经济形态的这种重大转变,其意义远比开始于200年前的工业经济取代农业经济的意义更加深远,其对人类社会的发展进步将会产生更加深刻和巨大的影响。随着一个以知识升值为主要特征的新时代的到来,知识经济正在一天天向我们走近,成人教育将如何应对,这是一个值得成人教育工作者关注的课题。教育的学术性和超前性要求我们未雨绸缪,认真研究,开展讨论,集思广议,制定对策,迎接挑战。为此,本刊自本期起开设“知识经济与成人教育”专栏,我们从介绍知识经济有关知识入手,随后将就知识经济对成人教育产生的影响进行讨论,并在此基础上提出改革成人教育的思路。我们欢迎并期待广大读者踊跃来稿,积极投入到这场关系到成人教育改革与发展大计的讨论中来,为成人教育的改革与发展进言献策。 Knowledge economy has been clues, it was predicted that the next century will be the century of knowledge-based economy. The trend that the knowledge-based economy will gradually replace the industrial economy has become a definite one. The significant change in the world economic form is far more meaningful than the industrial economy that replaced the agricultural economy starting 200 years ago. Its significance for the development of human society Will have a more profound and huge impact. With the advent of a new era featuring knowledge appreciation as the main feature, the knowledge economy is approaching us day by day, and how adult education will respond. This is a topic worthy of attention of adult educators. The academic and advanced nature of education requires that we take precautions, study hard, conduct discussions, brainstorm ideas, formulate strategies and meet challenges. To this end, we published this column entitled “Knowledge Economy and Adult Education” starting from this issue. Starting with the introduction of knowledge-based knowledge, we will discuss the impact of knowledge-based economy on adult education, and based on this, Thoughts on Reforming Adult Education. We welcome and look forward to the enthusiastic contributions of our readers and actively participate in this discussion that is related to the grand plan of adult education reform and development so as to make suggestions for the reform and development of adult education.
ALARM是英国宇航公司(BAe)和马可尼防务系统公司(MDS)为皇家空军研制的空中发射反雷达导弹,以提高皇家空军的深度突防攻击能力。ALARM设计用来摧 ALARM is an air launched
凡事预则立,不预则废。高三时,我根据自己高一以来的学习体会,针对不同的英语题型,逐个攻破,由此在高考中顺利地从平时考试的100多分上升到139.5分。  1.听力:画出关键词,注意转折句  听力开始前,我一般会快速阅读题目与选项,画出关键词(一般是主语、观点词、时间、地点、数据等)。听的过程中,我会特别注意播音员的语气变化,当出现过渡词语如but,therefore等时,其中往往暗藏玄机。当播音员
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