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近些年来,干部腐败问题已经成为我国社会关注的焦点问题,引起广大群众的强烈不满。能否有效清除腐败,已经成为关系到我国改革开放能否顺利进行,社会能否健康发展,党的执政地位能否巩固,社会主义国家能否长治久安的大问题。我们党和政府历来十分重视反腐败斗争,多年来采取了一系列措施反对腐败,也确实取得了很大的成绩。但是,由于多方面原因,腐败现象仍然在蔓延滋长,特别是近年来,腐败的势头发展很快,渗透到社会政治、经济、文化生活的各个领域,而且越来越由隐蔽到公 In recent years, the issue of corruption by cadres has become the focus of attention of our society and has aroused strong dissatisfaction among the masses. Whether the corruption can be effectively eliminated has become a major issue that affects the smooth progress of China’s reform and opening up, the healthy development of society, the consolidation of the party’s ruling position and the long-term viability of the socialist countries. Our party and government have always attached great importance to the fight against corruption and have taken a series of measures over the years to oppose corruption and have indeed made great achievements. However, due to various reasons, the phenomenon of corruption is still spreading. Especially in recent years, the momentum of corruption has developed rapidly and infiltrated into all fields of social politics, economy and culture, and more and more has been concealed from the public
上海: 社会保障一卡通工程 该工程作为上海市政府实事工程之一,包括劳动与社会保障、民政、公安、公积金和医疗保险五个分系统。其中上海市劳动与社会保障系统、上海市民政
阅读是语文教学的根本,在高中语文教学中,教师应重视对学生课外阅读能力的培养,这样不仅可以提高学生的语文素养,更能提高学生的语文应用能力,从而收到良好的教学效果。 Rea
In this paper,the dispersion curves of the Rayleigh wave and Love wave were extracted from the seismic noise records of 25 broadband stations of the Fujian Seis