“六一”儿童节的上午,来自银川市30所中小学、幼儿园的百名爱好绘画的少年儿童,聚集在市玉皇阁北侧广场上,以“我爱大自然”、“儿童与环境”为主题,在二幅总长近百米的白布上现场作画,吸引了很多围观的人,记者听到不少成年人竖起大拇指赞叹。绘画结束后,孩子们提拉着画卷走上街头巡展。最后,画卷送到中山公园,悬挂在林荫道旁,向游人展出。 这次街头绘画活动是由自治区少年儿童艺术委员会、群众艺术馆、环境保护局等8个单位联合举办的。
In the morning of “June 1” Children’s Day, 100 children and children interested in painting from 30 primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in Yinchuan gathered in the square on the north side of the city’s Yuhuangge Pavilion and took “I Love Nature,” “Children and Environment” As the theme, drawing on two white cloths with a total length of nearly 100 meters attracted a lot of onlookers. The reporter heard many adults praise their thumbs up. After painting, the children took the picture to the streets. Finally, the picture was delivered to Zhongshan Park, hanging on the boulevard, showing to visitors. The street painting activities are jointly organized by the Autonomous Region Children and Arts Commission, the mass art museum, the Environmental Protection Agency and other eight units.