Smart Property of Homogeneous Electrorheological Fluid and Its Application in Reducing Seismic Resp

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ywh831002
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The smart properties of homogeneous electrorheological fluid (HERF) containing side-chain type liquid crystalline polymer were studied and an actual HERF damper with an adjustable viscosity was produced.A mechanical model of the HERF smart damper was established on the basis of experiment and theoretical analysis.Then a controlled equation of SDOF structure by HERF damper was derived and a semi active control strategy based on optimal sliding displacement of damper was presented.The simulation results for a single story frame structure indicate that HERF,which may avoid some defects of common particles suspended ER fluids,is an excellent smart material with better stability.Using the semi active control strategy presented,HERF smart damper controlled could effectively reduce seismic responses of structures and keeps the control stable at all times. The smart properties of homogeneous electrorheological fluid (HERF) containing side-chain type liquid crystalline polymers were studied and an actual HERF damper with an adjustable viscosity was produced. A mechanical model of the HERF smart damper was established on the basis of experiment and theoretical analysis .Then a controlled equation of SDOF structure by HERF damper was derived and a semi active control strategy based on optimal sliding displacement of damper was presented. The simulation results for a single story frame structure indicate that HERF, which may avoid some defects of common particles suspended ER fluids, is an excellent smart material with better stability. Using the semi active control strategy presented, HERF smart damper controlled could effectively reduce seismic responses of structures and keeps the control stable at all times.
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