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油茶生産是我省油料作物生產的重要組成部份,茶油乃是廣大人民特別是山區農民的主要食用油,同時又是國家工業建設的重要原料。但解放幾年來,在整個國民經濟的恢復和發展中,油料作物的恢復速度是較慢的,特別是對油茶林的恢復和發展工作作得更差,全省茶油山荒蕪廢棄者在百分之八十以上,茶油產量也僅及抗日戰爭前的百分之五十四左右,遠落後於戰前水平;而另一一面,由於國家經濟建設的突飛猛進,工農業生産一般均已超過戰前水平,人民生活不斷提高,茶油的消費量日益激增,因而出現了茶油產銷間不相適應的現象。為了保證國家經濟建設和廣大人民生活中對茶油日益增長的需要,積極組織領導農民羣衆,根據各地的具體情况,採取一切可能的和有效的增產措施,增加茶油生產,就成爲當前和今後各級政府與廣大人民的一個重要任務了。 Camellia oleifera production is an important part of the production of oil-bearing crops in our province. Camellia oleifera is the main edible oil of the general public, especially the peasants in the mountainous areas. It is also an important raw material for national industrial construction. However, in the past few years since the liberation, the restoration of oil-bearing crops has been slow in the recovery and development of the entire national economy. In particular, the restoration and development work of Camellia oleifera forest has been even worse. In the province, The output of tea oil was only about 54% of that before the Anti-Japanese War, far behind the pre-war level. On the other hand, due to the rapid economic development in the country, industrial and agricultural production generally exceeded Before the war, people’s living standards were constantly increasing, and the consumption of tea oil was increasing rapidly. As a result, the phenomenon of incompatibility between the production and marketing of tea oil appeared. In order to ensure the ever-increasing demand for tea oil in the country’s economic construction and in the general public’s daily life and actively organize and lead the peasant masses, all possible and effective stimulation measures should be taken to increase the production of tea oil according to the specific circumstances of each region and become the current and In the future, the government at all levels and the general public will have an important task.
一千年前,在一个细雨霏霏的日子里,一个叫许仙的毫不起眼的小学徒,走出清河坊的保和堂药店,走上断桥,走进了一个流传千古的爱情故事。  一千年后,在又一个细雨霏霏的日子里,一位撑着油纸伞、丁香一样结着愁怨的姑娘,走出戴望舒的《雨巷》,在河坊街邮局滴着春雨的屋檐下,用毛笔和宣纸,写了一封信,盖上古色古香的邮戳,给远方寄去了一封飘着墨香的信。  2002年秋天的一个下午,一位白发如雪的老太太走进了重新开发
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