三叶木通种子育苗试验结果,冬季湿沙贮藏的种子比自然风干的种子成苗率高;冬采种条沙藏翌春扦插比春季随采随插成活率高;春季扦插和秋季10 月初扦插成活率高,夏、初秋、冬扦插不易成活;用100 ×10 - 6 浓度ABT 生根粉1 号浸24h 后扦插能促进生根,提高成活率
Seedlings of Cloverwood seedling test results showed that seedlings stored in wet sand in winter had a higher rate of seedling emergence than that of naturally-dried seeds. The survival rate of cuttings in the next spring was higher than that of the spring plucking seedlings in winter. In spring and early October, High cutting rate, summer, early autumn and winter cuttings were not easy to survive. Cutting with ABT rooting powder 100 × 10 - 6 at a concentration of 100 × 10 - 6 could promote rooting and improve survival rate