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空空院落门旁的那丛竹,此刻是否又在风中窸窸窣窣地响了。那是姥爷栽下的,姥姥喜欢花呀草的,姥爷便从竹林里挖来一丛栽在院门旁,并笑说是日后留给姥姥听风的。姥爷走得早,舅舅另立门户,姨也成家去了外地,留下姥姥一人孤独地在院子里看日影从东沉到西。只有往日的风,曾经吹过一家欢乐的风,还在光顾门口的那丛竹,簌簌作响。真的应了姥爷的话,这丛竹是留给姥姥听风的。无风时,竹在细语窸窸,有风时便大声窣窣,这时姥姥会拄了拐站立竹旁。老院曾经的热闹繁忙,那一大家的衣 Empty bamboo courtyard courtyard next to the door, at the moment whether again in the wind stumbled loudly. Grandpa planted that grandmother likes to spend grass, Grandpa dug up a bunch of trees planted in the courtyard from the bamboo forest, and said with a smile that the future to the grandma to listen to the wind. Grandpa went early, uncle opened a separate portal, aunt also married to the field, leaving the grandmother alone in the yard watching the sun from the east to the west. Only the wind of the past, had blown a joyful wind, still patronizing the door of the bamboo, sobbing. Really should be grandpa, then this bamboo is left to listen to the grandmother wind. When there is no wind, bamboo is whispered, and when the wind is loud, the grandmother can stand beside the bamboo stand. The old man was busy, that everyone’s clothing
近日,山东省邹平县码头镇司法所依法调处了一起在雇佣活动中发生的人身损害赔偿纠纷案,促使同样是农民的雇主对受伤的雇工在医疗费和交通费方面承担了适当的赔偿责任。 Rece
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